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Changing the User’s Permissions

You can change the permissions of the user invited to collaborate on a presentation at any time, allowing them to view or edit the presentation. 

In the Editor

  • Click the „person” icon in the upper right corner of the top bar (the second icon from the left)
  • The „Collaboration” window will open
  • Select the permissions of the invited users („View” or „Edit”) 

In the Dashboard

  1. In the Dashboard, you can sort presentations by invited users. By clicking the „In Collaboration” filter, you can select the presentation due to:
  2. The person who is its owner („Owner”) 
  3. The person who is its co-author („Collaborator”)

In addition, when you select the „Collaborator” filter, you can specify whether you want to see the presentation in which the collaborator:

  1. Has „View” permission – that is, the user has been invited only to view the presentation
  2. Has „Edit” permission – that is, the user can edit the presentation