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The Dashboard is your control center in Talenote. Here you will find all your presentations. Presentations are divided into two sections:

  • The „Drafts” section displays drafts, that is, all presentations that have not yet been published
  • The „Published” section displays published presentations

In the Dashboard, you can:

  1. Create new presentations
  2. View published and unpublished presentations
  3. Check the status of your presentations, that is, sort them by whether they were created in collaboration with someone or by you 
  4. Go to „User Profile”
  5. Go to „Media Library”

To create a new presentation, click the rectangle with the „+” sign. A modal will open, where you choose whether to start with a blank presentation or use one of Talenote’s templates. Read more about creating new presentations here.

  1. When you hover the cursor over the presentation cover in the „Published” section, the „eye” icon will appear. When clicked, it will take you to view the presentation in preview. It allows you to view a presentation that has already been published.
  2. When you hover the cursor over the presentation cover in the „Drafts” section, the „pencil” icon will appear. When clicked, it will take you to view the presentation in the Editor. It allows you to go to edit the draft version of the presentation.