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Preset Types – Title Presets

The „Title” preset is a section format with a title, subtitle, lead section, and background.

Managing the Text:

  1. You can manage text by clicking the „three dots” icon in the upper left corner of each text box in the preset. The „Text Settings” section will appear in the right toolbar where you can:
    • Set the number of columns, if this option is available („Text Columns”)
    • Set text transitions („Text Transitions”)
    • Set text margins from the top, bottom, left, or right („Text Margin”)
    • Set text box background color and transparency using the large color rectangle, color slider, or by entering the HEX number („Background”)
  2. You can edit the text in headings and paragraphs by clicking the text in the preset in the heading or paragraph. The „Heading” or „Paragraph” sections will appear in the right toolbar where you can:
    • Choose a specific font („Font Family”)
    • Change font size („Font Size”)
    • Set line height („Line Height”)
    • Align text („Justify)
  3. You can edit the text in headings and paragraphs using the top toolbar. Click the text in the heading or paragraph and above the preset, a top toolbar with the following options will appear:
    • „T” – default text style
    • „H1-H6” – possibility to select the appropriate header. Choosing a specific header affects the positioning of your page
    • „Button” – possibility to add a clickable button
    • „List” – for segregating verses by points
    • „Numbered list” – for segregating verses by a numbered list
    • „Divider” – possibility to add a line that will separate paragraphs for visual effect. When clicked, a toolbar will expand on the right
    • „Tx” – possibility to delete formatting
    • „Indentation of a text block”
    • „Quoting”
    • „Adding image”
    • „Adding video”
    • „Adding audio
    • „Adding media”
  4. You can use the divider that will separate paragraphs for visual effects in some presets. Click the empty box above the text box and the „Divider” section will appear in the right toolbar where you can:
    • Change the border height of the divider („Border Height”)
    • Set the border color of the divider using the large color rectangle, color slider, or by entering the HEX number („Border Color”)
    • Set the border style of the divider („Border Style”)
    • In some presets, to use the divider, you need to use a top toolbar that appears when you click the text box